
Showing posts from September, 2023

Sales Interview Questions to Identify Sales Grit

When it comes to the sales department, hiring a top-notch sales professional is essential for the success of the business. The revenues and profits of an organization is dependent upon sales and so, you must have candidates who carry the grit and determination to work and excel in your sales department. Irrespective of the kind of international sales recruitment agencies in Sydney you seek help to hire sales professionals, you must know the right questions to ask the candidate during the interview so that you can determine sales grit in an individual. Here are the questions that you should add to your interviews. Can you share an incident when you were faced with a sales challenge, and how did you overcome it? Describe a situation where you dealt with a customer objection. How did you handle it all? Rejections are common in a sales role. How do you handle if rejections are more frequent than average? Do you have a trick to bounce back from them? Share an incident where you had to fulf